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A film stu­dio in your po­cket – Crea­ting sci­en­ti­fic short films with a smart­pho­ne

Communicating science through films is a fun and efficient way to engage audiences. All you need is a great idea and the smartphone in your pocket! This course will introduce you to the basics of scientific video storytelling and guide you through the technical steps to produce short videos. By the end of the course, you will have developed your own storyboard and created a short film.

Topics Covered

  • Practical Tips for Good Video and Audio Coverage: Learn the essentials of capturing high-quality video and audio.
  • Filming Sequences, Framing, and Editing: Understand the principles of effective filming, including how to frame your shots and edit your footage.
  • Recording Interviews: Master the art of conducting and recording interviews to enhance your video content.
  • Useful Equipment & Apps: Discover the tools and apps that can aid in your video production process.
  • Basics of Visual Storytelling: Learn what to say and how to say it effectively through visual media.
  • Explain Your Research in 3 Minutes: Gain skills to succinctly explain your scientific research in an engaging manner.
  • How to Make a Storyboard: Develop a storyboard to plan and organize your video project.

This course is designed for marine scientists interested in learning how to produce short films showcasing their scientific work.

Interested in joining? Contact me at mail@matthias-suessen.de to book your spot!

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